Tuesday, December 17, 2019


For my media project I have chosen to make a music video for a ‘fictional pop artist’ as well as the ‘artists’ working website. As part of the brief, I must aim my music video towards a fun-loving, 16-25-year old demographic. I also have the intentions to make my music video have a mass market appeal. During The filming of the video I will record the process and cut together finally for usage on the ‘artists’ website. Also, During the process of creating my video I will aim to keep in mind the codes and conventions of music videos (in particular pop/pop-rock/pop-indie) such as the mis-en-scene, camera angles and colour.

I decided to research and create my music video before making the correlating website in order to focus on task at a time as well as create content to later portray on 'my artists' web page.

The purpose of music videos is to, aside primarily promote a song and generate more revenue, provide a main visual to the audio which can make an audience remember the song more. Furthermore, an audience will have a better understanding of the song and what it's about or alternately question an abstract idea possibly presented in the video. In the age of modern media, online videos have become a sensation – spawning millions and millions of views on music videos. An artist may use a music video to further promote their ‘brand’ image to the audience which can further their careers and memorability.
For my fictional artist, I aim to create a memorable video of which can further their image and 'promote more fictional sales'.


For my media project I have chosen to make a music video for a ‘fictional pop artist’ as well as the ‘artists’ working website. As part o...